In the June 2016 Newsletter a practical example of an adaptive, systems approach and an article exploring these ideas as applied in organisational consulting. Four years on and Systemic Team Coaching continues to prove its worth. Success with a large European 1-1 Coaching contract. The value of building and supporting internal coaching capacity.
In the May 2013 Newsletter I explore how clients can act as informed buyers of professional coaching. There is an in-depth discussion of Systemic Team Coaching, including a very recent Case Study. I also discuss advanced Coach Training and my new Supervision offer.
In the July 2011 Newsletter I mention some sports articles with relevance to leadership, I talk about the phenomena of organisational “splitting,” and I write about my recent experience at the Gestalt International Study Centre in Cape Cod. There is also an up-date on the joint venture with Wilderness Scotland and Coach Training in Edinburgh in October.
In the January 2011 Newsletter I write about “Agile Leadership,” using Catherine Tate’s current stage play as an example of why relying on our models, plans and assumptions about what is going to happen going forward is not enough, especially in today’s ever changing business environment. I also write about a new joint venture with Wilderness Scotland, and new Coach training I am offering with Marjorie Shakleton in Summer 2011.
In my September 2010 Newsletter I focus on 4 strands of recent work; Executive Coaching, Facilitation, Leadership Development, Team Coaching and Team Development. Read the full September newsletter which also includes a short piece about Team Development and My Own Professional Development. If you have any questions or comments please don’t hesitate to Get in Touch.